Sergio Mendoza


Full Stack Web Developer

I'm Sergio and I'm an ex-bartender-turned-developer who has recently rekindled his childhood passion of tinkering with technology. When I'm not obsessively rearranging my desktop icons or watching YouTube product reviews on products I could never feasibly own, you can bet I'm at least thinking about music, snowboarding, hiking with my friends, and attempting to take as many pictures as I can.

I've recently graduated the Flatiron School's Full Stack Web Developer program and I'm excited to combine my years of experience in Hospitality and Customer Service with my new expertise in Ruby on Rails and React to a new opportunity as a developer.

If you'd like to keep up with my progress, check out my blog!



Guzzle uses your location, and the Google Places API to show your local bars in the area complete with ratings, photos and comments. Built with React, Redux and Rails for the backend.


Hiking outdoors is one of my favorite hobbies, so I had a lot of fun building Hyyker! Its a web application written in Rails that tracks your recent hikes along with their location, elevation, distance, and other user stats. Some technologies used in this project were Devise, OmniAuth, Bootstrap, Heroku.


A CRUD application to track all of your favorite music festivals! I built this app using the Sinatra Ruby framework. I used ActiveRecord to map festival Ruby classes to PostgreSQL database tables to persist user information. Frontend styling was done mostly in Bootstrap along with custom CSS.

NBA Today Gem

This is a Ruby Gem CLI I created to look up current NBA scores and game information. I used Nokogiri to scrape the MSN NBA Scores page, and used the CommandLineReporter Gem to organize the output into readable tables. For more info on how the gem was built, check out this blog post. This Gem is available for download by running: gem install 'nba_today_gem' inside your terminal!

Made with ♥ by Sergio 2017